The Geographic Information Science and International Geographic Perspectives programs are not professional certifications, but rather a suggested list of courses created as a guide for students seeking deepened knowledge of Geography beyond the major requirements. Students are often better served just taking the courses needed to fulfill the requirements of a track and getting better grades, rather than taking extra classes to get the certificate and not having the time to do their best work in two or more demanding classes in the same semester. Employers will be more impressed with the better grades than in a certificate created by the Geography Department.
The Geographic Information Science and International Geographic Perspectives certificates are offered by the Department of Geography and are open to all Rutgers students. Students who are interested in receiving a certificate must complete the requirements below and contact the Geography Department's undergraduate director for a final review in their last semester. The certificate is awarded only with, or subsequent to, the awarding of a baccalaureate degree in an approved major.
Geographic Information Science Certificate
A certificate in geographic information science is awarded to students who complete the following courses with a grade B or better for each course. These courses are very time intensive, and it is suggested that students talk to an advisor before registering for more than one in a semester.
- 450:320 Spatial Data Analysis
- 450:321 Geographic Information Systems
- 450:322 Remote Sensing
- 450:355 Principles of Cartography
- 450:356 Advanced Cartography
- 450:421 Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Certificate in International Geographic Perspectives
A minimum of 24 credits is required for the certificate in international geographic perspectives. Core courses totaling 15 credits are required: 01:450:102, 103, 205, 262, and 405. A regional core is also required, with a choice of one selected from: 01:450:332, 334, 335, 336, 338, 341, or 342. The final 6 credits may be taken as electives selected from: 01:450:211, 222, 240, 309, 311, 361, 363, 491, and 492.
Data Science Certificate
This program is managed by the Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences, but Geography contributes with a couple of courses. Those of you interested in strengthening your quantitative credentials may want to consider the Data Science Certificate, which pairs very well with Geography. You have to take four courses and a 1-credit mini-capstone, including a course about data, statistics, data management, and a domain course. The domain course can be one of these Geography courses: Spatial Data Analysis, Introduction to GIS, or Geographical Research Methods. Find more information here: