Research Interests:
I am an earth scientist, more specifically a physical geographer and climatologist. My research interests run the spatial gamut from global to local, with an underlying theme being the development of a better understanding of the climate system. The majority of my published research has focused on hemispheric and regional snow cover dynamics and interactions of snow cover with other climate elements. This includes maintaining an internationally-recognized database of Northern Hemisphere snow extent throughout the satellite era This information is used in our Global Snow Lab's research endeavors, efforts of others, and in our contributions to national and international climate assessments.
As the New Jersey State Climatologist, I conduct research of an applied nature that focuses on the diverse weather and climate of the Garden State. This includes topics such as climate change, drought, flooding, and issues involving agriculture, transportation, public safety and commerce The Office of the NJ State Climatologist also operates one of the most spatially dense observing networks in the nation. The NJ Weather and Climate Network provides timely information to decision makers, the research community, and the general public.Finally, I have served on a number of national committees and occasionally publish on issues related to my interest in the collection and archiving of accurate climatic data.
Ph.D. 1984 Columbia University
M.S. 1981 Columbia University
B.S. 1977 Dickinson College
Natalie Teale, Jessica August