Carole Allamand

Professor of French, Undergraduate Director
AB 4184, CAC
Research Interests: XXth and XXIst-century fiction, autobiography, literature and psychoanalysis, animal studies

Daniel Barone

Associate Teaching Professor
Marine and Coastal Sciences Building
Research Interests: coastal zone management including coastal storm vulnerability assessments, floodplain studies, sediment transport studies, beneficial use of dredged material assessments, and shore protection evaluations
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Geographic Information Systems; Advanced GIS; Coastal Geomorphology

Karen Bishop

Associate Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
Research Interests: modern poetry and narrative, translation, form, lyric theory, poethics, narratology, close reading, human rights, torture and enforced disappearance, memory studies, architectural theory, the geohumanities, and cartography

Jack Bouchard

Assistant Professor of History
Van Dyck Hall 002G
Research Interests: Environmental history, Atlantic history, Early Modern European History
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Climate Politics

Cathleen Doherty

Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Department of Earth and Plentary Sciences
Wright Labs, 334
Research Interests: Isotope Geochemistry, Environmental Contaminants, Public Health, Community Outreach and Environmental Justice
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Environmental Geology

Craig Feibel

Professor of Geology and Anthropology
610 Taylor Road
Research Interests: Stratigraphy, Sedimentology, Paleontology
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Geomorphology, The Quarternary Period

Mark Feigenson

Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Wright Geological Laboratory, Room 339b
Research Interests: Trace element and isotope geochemistry
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Planet Earth; Introduction to Geochemistry

Nate Gabriel

Assistant Teaching Professor
Lucy Stone Hall, room B246
Research Interests: political ecology, urban space, the public sphere, automation, diverse economies, sustainability, parks and green space
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Cultural and Political Ecology; Introduction to Environmental Studies; Maps, Power, and the Digital World

D. Asher Ghertner (on leave AY 24-25)

Lucy Stone Hall Room B-238
Research Interests: Urban geography, development and displacement, political ecology, aesthetic politics, ethnography, postcolonialism, India

Martha Haviland

Director, Department of Biological Sciences

Toby Jones

Associate Professor of History; Director, Global and Comparative History Master's Degree Program
116 Van Dyck Hall
Research Interests: Modern Middle East, History of Environment and Technology
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Modern Middle East: History of Environment and Technology

Robert Kopp

Distinguished Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Director, Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub
Wright Labs Room 225
Research Interests: Climate change, sea level rise, paleoclimate, climate policy
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Building and Maintaining a Habitable Planet

Elaine Lafay

Assistant Professor of History
002D Van Dyck Hall
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Environmental history, 19th Century US history

Robin Leichenko

Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences & Distinguished Professor
Lucy Stone Hall, room B265
Research Interests: economic geography and human dimensions of global environmental change.

Dana Luciano

Professor, Department of English
Murray Hall, room 117
Research Interests: Queer studies; affect theory; 19th-century American literature; environmental humanities; photography, film, and media studies.
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Feminism in a Time of Environmental Crisis

Nora MacKendrick

Associate Professor Sociology
Davison Hall, Room 107
Research Interests: environmental sociology, medical sociology, gender, food studies, science and technology studies, and consumer studies
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Sociology of Food and Eating

Jorge Marcone

Professor, Associate Dean of Humanities, Department of Spanish and Portuguese
AB- 5163
Research Interests: Environmental Humanities in/of Latin America and Spain
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Our World: Social Justice and the Environment; Environment and Literature in the Hispanic World; An Amazonian Journey (honors seminar), Summer study abroad in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese

Andrea Marston

Lucy Stone Hall, B-255
Research Interests: environmental politics, postcolonial geographies, resource extraction, Science and Technology Studies, feminist geographies, Latin America
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Geography of Development

Anaïs Maurer

Assistant professor of French and Comparative Literature
AB-4177, CAC
Research Interests: Environmental Humanities, Pacific Studies, Francophone Studies, Indigenous Studies, Decolonial Literatures, Critical Military Studies, Ecofeminism, Marxist Theory

Pam McElwee

Research Interests: political ecology, climate vulnerability, conservation, forests, gender, environmental justice, environmental conflict & security, Asia, Vietnam
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Globalization, Environment and Development

Lauren Neitzke Adamo

Associate Teaching Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
Wright Geological Laboratory 209
Research Interests: Paleoceanography and Stable Isotope Stratigraphy, Geoscience and informal educational research, Drone and Photogrammetry Remote Sensing for surface and coastal processes
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Planet Earth

Paul O'Keefe

Assistant Teaching Professor
Lucy Stone Hall Room B-240
Research Interests: development geography, political ecology, human-environment relations, adaptation to climate change, vulnerability, livelihoods approaches, Tanzania
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Transforming the Global Environment, Climate Change and Society

Hieu Phung

Assistant Professor of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian History
Scott hall 327
Research Interests: local culture and statecraft on the preindustrial environment, premodern geographic knowledge, history of Vietnam and Southeast Asia during the transition from the Medieval Climate Anomaly to the Little Ice Age
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Environmental Crises in Southeast Asia

Priscilla Pinto Ferreira (on leave Fall 24)

Assistant Professor
Lucy Stone Hall Room B-236
Research Interests: Afro-Latinx Geographies, Black solidarity economies, urban geography, Afro-Latina feminisms, and decolonial methodologies and pedagogical praxis.

Åsa Rennermalm

Professor & Undergraduate Program Director
Lucy Stone Hall, room B214
Research Interests: hydrology and glaciology of the Arctic region, and how contemporary climate change is transforming the Greenland ice sheet
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Earth Systems, Spatial Data Analysis, Field Geography

Nicholas Rennie

Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, German Language and Literature
15 Seminary Place, Room 4124
Research Interests: Literature of the Enlightenment and the Age of Goethe; modern aesthetics and intellectual history; the Frankfurt School; literary theory; German language.

Kevon Rhiney

Associate Professor
Lucy Stone Hall, room B259
Research Interests: global change, rural agrarian livelihoods, biopolitics, political ecology, environmental justice, postcolonial thought, Caribbean region
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Natural Hazards

J.T. Roane

Research Interests: Black geographies, Black ecologies, Black Gender and Sexuality Studies, urban and rural geographies, African American and African Diaspora History, political ecology

David Robinson

Distinguished Professor
NJ State Climatologist
Lucy Stone Hall, room B230
Research Interests: My research interests run the spatial gamut from global to local, with an underlying theme being the development of a better understanding of the climate system.
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Earth Systems, The Global Climate System

Jesse Rodenbiker

Assistant Teaching Professor
Lucy Stone Hall Room B-244
Research Interests: environmental governance, urban geography, inequality, displacement, political ecology, sustainability, biodiversity, oceanic and archipelagic geographies, China
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Environment, Society, and Justice

Laura C. Schneider

Professor & Graduate Program Director
Lucy Stone Hall Room B-234
Research Interests: land systems science, tropical ecosystems, remote sensing, Latin America
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Global Ecosystems and Biodiversity, Remote Sensing, Environmental Studies Capstone

Mike Siegel

Lucy Stone Hall, room B261
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Principles of Cartography, Advanced Cartography

Hilary Sigman

Professor of Economics
New Jersey Hall 422/424
Research Interests: Environmental Economics, Public Economics, Law and Economics
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Econ 432: Environmental Economics

Genese Sodikoff

Associate Professor of Anthropology
Hill Hall 601
Research Interests: biotic and cultural extinction, land degradation and zoonosis
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Politics of Extinction; Humans, Animals and Society; Environmental Anthropology

Kurt Spellmeyer

Professor of English
Murray Hall, 220
Research Interests: eco-criticism, environmental literature, the intersections between Buddhism and the environment
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Introduction to Environmental Literature

Kevin St Martin

Professor & Department Chair
Lucy Stone Hall Room B-232
Research Interests: economic geography, diverse economies, political ecology, community and commons, critical cartographies, GIS

Teona Williams (on leave AY 24-25)

Lucy Stone Hall Room B-253
Research Interests: Black geographies, Black feminism, African American and environmental history, Black Ecologies, critical food studies, critical disaster studies, the Black South(s), and rural geographies
Environmental Studies Courses Taught: Environment, Society, and Justice

Results 1 - 37 of 37